Berwick Academy

Health and Social Care

Vocational Certificate

What will I study?

Health and social care is broken down into eight content areas:

Content area 1 Health and social care provision and services

Content area 2 Job roles in health and social care and the care values that underpin professional practice

Content area 3 Legislation, policies and procedures in health and social care

Content area 4 Human development across the life span

Content area 5 The care needs of the individual

Content area 6 How health and social care services are accessed Content area 7 Partnership working in health and social care Content area 8 The care planning cycle

This course will give you the opportunity to investigate the different types of health and social care provision available for individuals. You will learn about the job roles of a range of health and social care practitioners, exploring working practice and how it is underpinned by the care values in order to provide person centre care. 

You will also gain an insight in the ways different services work together to meet the needs of individuals at different life stages learning about the main differences between working and personal relationships. This course will also enable you to examine the life stages from conception and birth all the way through to late adulthood, you will look at the changes and different experiences individuals have throughout their lives, and how these affect them physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually. Lastly you will learn how regulatory bodies such as the Care Quality Commission and Ofsted monitor and influence the quality of services provided by the health and social care sector.



Teaching and learning approaches

We use a variety of teaching techniques in health and social care, including videos, case studies, role-plays.

You will be involved in carrying out

- Investigations/research

- Presentations

- Production of posters, leaflets, and media articles

- Classroom discussions

- Practical Tasks


How will I be assessed?

The Cache Award will provide you with the equivalent of 1 GCSE. The qualification has 2 assessments externally-set by NCFE: one non-exam assessment and one written examined assessment. Both assessments are equally weighted.


Independent Study

Self Study will be set weekly and will take various forms. It could be research based or a stand-alone piece.

The Future
Learners might consider progression to level 3 qualifications post-16, such as:
- Level 3 Applied Generals
- Level 3 Technical Levels including T Level programmes

Further information

Speak to Ms. Watson or Mrs. Crouch.